
Not so random thoughts of an IR researcher involved in the massive open online learning movement ...

ACL 2016

In this post, I have collected the 15 most interesting papers I came across when attending the 2016 Association for Computational Linguistics conference - my first time at ACL. Nowadays, a lot of computational linguistics is deep and correspondingly there is a lot of interest from industry to hear... [Read More]

Sub-document timestamping

After a number of recent learning analytics papers, one of my PhD students just got a full paper accepted at TPDL 2016, analyzing the creation dynamics of “sub-documents” on the Web. Knowing when Web document content was first created is important for a number of reasons - including many... [Read More]

Designed vs. executed learning paths in MOOCs

MOOCs have been around for a few years by now. Learning designers and MOOC instructors though are still grappling with how to design engaging MOOCs - the low retention rates we observe across virtually all MOOCs show that there are many people that want to learn, but few persist. A... [Read More]

Reflections on teaching a large Bachelor course

Together with my colleague Alessandro Bozzon, I teach a Bachelor course called Web and Database Technology within the Technical Computer Science degree program at TU Delft. The course is not only compulsory for our first year Computer Science students, but also for all those students choosing Software Design &... [Read More]

Beyond the MOOC platform

In the past years, we have been heavily relying on social media for research purposes (like many other research groups) and by now it is very clear that we can learn a lot about people from the digital footprints they leave behind across the social Web. Once we started looking... [Read More]